I can also contribute build documentation patches if you can guide me through the process for a fresh build, as I often work at producing docu.
Right now I can get oxCore, oxAuth, and oxTrust to compile. With oxCore, it's simply
mvn clean install
and with oxAuth and oxTrust, you make a copy of the default profile directory, then do mvn clean install using the profile
In oxAuth
cp -Rvf Server/profiles/default Server/profiles/madumlao
oxTrust is similar, but the folder is called "server" in lowercase. Then edit the variables in the profile directories. Afterwards you can compile with
mvn clean install -Dcfg=madumlao -Dmaven.test.skip=true
The output files will be found in server/target.
My current workaround for testing is that I can drop in the resulting war files over an existing Gluu installation's /opt/tomcat/webapps (renaming oxtrust-server.war to identity.war) for testing. Technically, that's not a "fresh" install though.
The bigger challenge is populating the config files and default database. This is more or less where I'm stuck.
With oxAuth, some of the config files will be output to test-classes/conf (but I assume these are following the config-oxauth-test.properties profile settings, and not config-oxauth.properties). oxTrust, unlike oxAuth, doesn't produce sample config outputs. And that's not counting the default LDAP entries needed to support the config.
I can try to get config files from an existing gluu community edition server and edit as needed, or otherwise replace a community edition's war files with the compile outputs. But there's still a lot missing. The default gluu install has extra binaries (check_ssl), jar files (tomcat7-1.1), and other packages (/opt/gluu, oxIdp). And I'd also have to edit the JSON attributes in the LDAP config entries with matching credentials, which is a chore and prone to human errors. More or less, I haven't had success in plugging the war files onto a fresh tomcat 7 download.
Ideally, the build outputs should be used as inputs for the [community-edition-setup](https://github.com/GluuFederation/community-edition-setup) which does the LDAP generation, but I don't know how to connect them at the moment.