> Don't! :-) Without uninstalling one / existing Gluu Server, running setup.py will crash the whole setup.
Thanks for the warning, glad you mentioned that, I'll steer clear of re-running that command.
Using the ticket you pointed me to, I ran the below (what I believe is correct, but please say if not. I'm fairly new to LDAP and LDIF), but still am unable to login. It may be because of some of the settings I changed, so it may require more modifies in the LDIF.
Just some output if it helps you verify that's the case:
I used the following command to identify the inum
/opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1636 --useSSL -X -D "cn=directory manager" -w **secret** -b "ou=appliances,o=gluu" -s one "objectclass=*" oxAuthenticationMode
I replaced "secret" with the password, used the port 1636 as that was the original port number in the configuration and I also added in --useSSl and -X. This returned me an inum to use.
I then created a file with the following information:
dn: inum=@**myinum**,ou=appliances,o=gluu
changetype: modify
replace: oxAuthenticationMode
oxAuthenticationMode: internal
Where "myinum" has been replaced with the inum from the previous ldapsearch command.
I then ran the command
/opt/opendj/bin/ldapmodify -h localhost -p 1636 --useSSL -X -D "cn=directory manager" -w **secret** -f ~/.ldifCommand
Where secret is the password and ~./ldifCommand is the file mentioned above. This resulted in the output:
Processing MODIFY request for inum=@**myinum**,ou=appliances,o=gluu
MODIFY operation successful for DN inum=@**myinum**,ou=appliances,o=gluu
Again, "myinum" in the output matches the one returned via ldapsearch.
Once this was done, I couldn't login as admin still. I tried restarting the gluu server just to be sure, but still no dice.
So I've run the command
/opt/opendj/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1636 --useSSL -X -D "cn=directory manager" -w **secret** -b "ou=appliances,o=gluu" -s one "objectclass=*"
Which gives me more verbose output. It provides me with the below.
- Do I need to use LDIF to modify the settings in oxIDPAuthentication as it still mentioned my external LDAP server I tried to (and failed to) implement?
- If so, any chance you could give me a steer on that as I'm fairly new to LDIF/LDAP?
In the output below, "myldapserver" is our LDAP server I was trying to configure gluu with. "myport" is the port for it (http at the moment), "mypasswordhash" is the has from the bind password I set, "myorg" is the organisation name in the LDAP server I want to pull users for, useSSL was set to false as LDAP is http at the moment for us.
dn: inum=@**myinum**,ou=appliances,o=gluu
gluuScimEnabled: disabled
passwordResetAllowed: disabled
gluuGroupCount: 1
gluuLastUpdate: 1461678683
gluuSPTR: @!C8BE.9ED6.F0CA.A55D!0002!8E61.4D80!0006!BE7F.4D99
oxAuthenticationMode: internal
gluuHTTPstatus: false
oxTrustStoreConf: {"useJreCertificates":true}
gluuSmtpRequiresAuthentication: false
oxIDPAuthentication: {"type":"auth","name":"auth_ldap_server","level":0,"priorit
_server\",\"bindDN\":\"cn=directory manager\",\"bindPassword\":\"**mypasswordhash**",\"servers\":[\"**myldapserver**:**myport**\"],\"maxConnections\":1000,\"useSS
gluuHostname: identity
gluuVdsCacheRefreshPollingInterval: 15
gluuManageIdentityPermission: enabled
oxSmtpConfiguration: {"host":"","port":25,"requiresSsl":false,"fromName":"","fro
gluuIpAddress: **internalIP**
gluuBandwidthTX: -1
gluuWhitePagesEnabled: disabled
inum: @**myinum**
gluuFederationHostingEnabled: disabled
gluuFreeSwap: 100
gluuBandwidthRX: -1
gluuOrgProfileMgt: disabled