Hi, Mark.
Seems like this behaviour is hardcoded into Shibboleth IdP. Here is where it gets its value: [link](https://git.shibboleth.net/view/?p=java-shib-idp2.git;a=blob;f=src/main/java/edu/internet2/middleware/shibboleth/idp/authn/AuthenticationEngine.java;h=02cfcf69e86f0b200bf66e3387f3b9254eac00f0;hb=HEAD#l817)
Gluu uses it as it is, with slight changes added with patches and needed to integrate it in the suite. So you would need to change the source code of this `AuthenticationEngine.java` class, recompile it, then update it in the `shibboleth-identityprovider-2.4.5.jar` which is part of `idp.war` in `/opt/idp/war/` inside of the container.