By: luke meyers user 02 Aug 2017 at 4:36 p.m. CDT

1 Response
luke meyers gravatar
Hello there The Scim group search api is completely buggy. For example say I have 9 groups, and I set the count to 100, the server send back a 400, though the same count works okay for user search. If I lower the count to 3 and vary value of startIndex from 1 to 3, results are repeated If I lower the count to 1 and vary startIndex from 0 to 8, the server crashes at 6 but works okay at 7 and 5 If I up the count to 5, I cannot access the second page of results (totalResults = 9) If I up the count to 6, the server sends back a 400 The general 400 error is accompanied by the statusText ``` { "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error" ], "status": "400", "scimType": "invalidFilter", "detail": "Unexpected processing error; please check the input parameters" } ```

By Jose Gonzalez staff 06 Aug 2017 at 8:54 a.m. CDT

Jose Gonzalez gravatar
Hi Luke, Sorry for the late reply. I tried reproducing the behavior but found no anomalies. I experimented with similar setup and amount of data/parameters and did not have any problems. I used groups with and without members too. Can you confirm if you are really using 3.0.2?. My tests were conducted on Ubuntu 14.04 using Gluu Server CE 3.0.2... Perhaps you can try grabbing quickly a .deb from []( (column labeled "3.0.2") From body response shown, I would say requests are not being composed properly. Activate test mode and try requests like: `https://<your-host>/identity/seam/resource/restv1/scim/v2/Groups?access_token=<test-token>&startIndex=<value>&count=<value>` You may find some additional info at [](, just use the /Groups endpoint.