Hello Michael,
gluu-server package consist of 2 parts. **gluu software** and **chroot environment**.
**gluu-server-3.1.2-1-4.rhel7.x86_64.rpm** = **gluu software** + **rhel7 chroot environment**
**gluu-server-3.1.2-1-4.centos7.x86_64.rpm** = **gluu software** + **centos7 chroot environment**
gluu software is the same for all packages but chroot environment is different. So package size is depending only from chroot environment which is not affecting gluu-server functionality as it depends only from gluu software.
Here is extracted .rpm packages contests. gluu software is located under /opt and /install directories. As you can see size for /opt and /install is equal for 2 packages.
0 bin
604K boot
8.0K dev
13M etc
4.0K home
2.2M install
0 lib
0 lib64
4.0K media
4.0K mnt
461M opt
4.0K proc
40K root
128K run
0 sbin
4.0K srv
4.0K sys
32K tmp
764M usr
351M var
0 bin
93M boot
8.0K dev
32M etc
4.0K home
2.2M install
0 lib
0 lib64
4.0K media
4.0K mnt
461M opt
4.0K proc
32K root
120K run
0 sbin
4.0K srv
4.0K sys
32K tmp
774M usr
77M var
Please let me know if you need more info about this