Hi Mobarak,
Yes I can confirm than I had TR configured properly until I changed TR configuration with a unproperly configuration to force broke my TR, then results:
/opt/shibboleth/logs 2022-03-03 17:49:39,681 - WARN [net.shibboleth.idp.profile.impl.SelectProfileConfiguration:118] - Profile Action SelectProfileConfiguration: Profile http://shibboleth.net/ns/profiles/saml2/sso/browser is not available for RP configuration EntityNames[https://join.service.com/shibboleth,] (RPID https://join.service.com/shibboleth) 2022-03-03 17:49:39,687 - - WARN [org.opensaml.profile.action.impl.LogEvent:101] - A non-proceed event occurred while processing the request: InvalidProfileConfiguration
Well, right now I want to rollback my TR config with this admin usability steps:
1. Disabling "Configure Relying Party" check
2. Update the configuration
3. Restarts IDP service
Results: Gluu Server continues ussing Configure Relying Party internal configuration and my TR stills broken. Is this a normal situation? because finally recover the SP trust relationship, with this steps:
1. Go to "Configure Relying Party" and check the box to enabled again
2. Click "Configure Relying Party" and remove the internal RP configuration
3. Disable check
4. Update configuration
5. Restarts IDP service
I needed two additional steps 1,2 when I should need 3 in total.
Do you understand, what do you think?
Let me know
Thank You