I have posted the logs to the link in the post above yours. This didn't appear to have a way to attach files.
Right. It only seemed to be the specific `oxauth.log` and `oxtrust.log`. There are a lot of logs in `/opt/gluu/jetty/$service/logs/` that would help me nail down the issue.
Can you also run `ls -l /etc/init.d/rc2.d/` inside the chroot for me? It might be a service start-up order issue. We found an issue with that recently https://github.com/GluuFederation/community-edition-setup/issues/499 . That being said, your logs stopping here:
2018-12-21 15:47:41,221 WARN [weld-worker-2] [org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.Validator] (Validator.java:443) - WELD-001440: Scope type @javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped() used on injection point [UnbackedAnnotatedField] @Inject @ApplicationScoped private org.xdi.service.cache.CacheProviderFactory.instance
at org.xdi.service.cache.CacheProviderFactory.instance(CacheProviderFactory.java:0)
2018-12-21 15:47:41,561 INFO [main] [org.xdi.oxauth.model.util.SecurityProviderUtility] (SecurityProviderUtility.java:23) - Adding Bouncy Castle Provider
and here:
2018-12-21 15:48:18,253 INFO [main] [org.xdi.oxauth.model.util.SecurityProviderUtility] (SecurityProviderUtility.java:23) - Adding Bouncy Castle Provider
2018-12-21 15:48:18,330 INFO [main] [org.gluu.oxtrust.ldap.service.AppInitializer] (AppInitializer.java:275) - Build date null. Code revision null on null. Build null
2018-12-21 15:48:18,339 INFO [main] [org.gluu.oxtrust.config.ConfigurationFactory] (ConfigurationFactory.java:134) - Creating oxTrustConfiguration
2018-12-21 15:48:18,339 INFO [main] [org.gluu.oxtrust.config.ConfigurationFactory] (ConfigurationFactory.java:420) - ########## ldapFileName = /etc/gluu/conf/ox-ldap.properties
Indicate that they can't access the local LDAP to pull their configuration and are halting because of it. Presumably it's a start-up order issue, but something else might be wrong with your LDAP. Are you using OpenDJ or OpenLDAP?