By: heedae poem user 13 Jan 2020 at 1:21 p.m. CST

1 Response
heedae poem gravatar
What am I supposed to do after rebooting the system on which docker and gluu containers are running. Because I cannot connect the web ui once I rebooted the machine. When I saw logs of nginx , it said "Secret is not ready; reason=Vault is sealed". So I tried vault login to unseal, however, vault occurred an error like the following, *Error authenticating: error looking up token: Error making API request. URL: GET Code: 503. Errors: Vault is sealed* What are the steps I should follow after reboot a system on which gluu docker containers? Thanks.

By Isman Firmansyah staff 13 Jan 2020 at 2:37 p.m. CST

Isman Firmansyah gravatar
Hi Heedae Poem, You need to unseal Vault manually. Follow the docs at