By: Reza Soltani user 26 May 2015 at 3:54 p.m. CDT

14 Responses
Reza Soltani gravatar
I am setting up an OpenID Connect environment. I am using mod_auth_openidc Apache module as the gateway to my service Provider and Gluu oxAuth as an Identity Provider. the mod_auth_openidc is setup on a localhost Apache server, on Ubuntu 14.04LTS. The configuration for the Apache module is as follow: OIDCProviderMetadataURL https://my-gluu-server/.well-known/openid-configuration OIDCClientID client_ID OIDCClientSecret client_PASS OIDCRedirectURI https://localhost/example/redirect_uri OIDCCryptoPassphrase password OIDCScope "openid email profile" <Location /example/> AuthType openid-connect Require valid-user </Location> - Upon accessing https://localhost/example, the browser is redirected to Gluu server for authentication, once entering the login info, browser is redirected to: https://localhost/example/redirect_uri?session_id=1234&scope=openid+email+profile&state=1234&code=1234 and it displays on page: **Error:** **The OpenID Connect Provider returned an error: Error in handling response type.** - Checking the Apache log files shows that the subject attribute was not returned to localhost: [Tue May 26 13:31:12.631930 2015] [auth_openidc:debug] [pid 42495] src/proto.c(481): [client] oidc_proto_validate_idtoken: enter, jwt.header="{"typ":"JWS","alg":"RS256","kid":"abba8666-2820-1234-9e87-bfe25e661234"}", jwt.payload={"iss":"https://my-gluu-server","aud":"@12345.5248.B148","exp":1432675534,"iat":1432221344,"nonce":"1234ePAPrIVFRlnXbrTfLzDf-ezlhynFcXoKqWNulz8","auth_time":1432671933,"at_hash":"7V8fbORHn5hsrRpN211234","oxValidationURI":"https://my-gluu-serve/oxauth/opiframe","oxOpenIDConnectVersion":"openidconnect-1.0"}", nonce=1234ePAPrIVFRlnXbrTfLzDf-ezlhynFcXoKqWNulz8 [Tue May 26 13:31:12.631935 2015] [auth_openidc:debug] [pid 42495] src/cache/shm.c(156): [client] oidc_cache_shm_get: enter, section="nonce", key="1234ePAPrIVFRlnXbrTfLzDf-ezlhynFcXoKqWNulz8" [Tue May 26 13:31:12.632052 2015] [auth_openidc:debug] [pid 42495] src/cache/shm.c(213): [client] oidc_cache_shm_set: enter, section="nonce", key="1234ePAPrIVFRlnXbrTfLzDf-ezlhynFcXoKqWNulz8", value size=%lu [Tue May 26 13:31:12.632077 2015] [auth_openidc:debug] [pid 42495] src/proto.c(297): [client] oidc_proto_validate_nonce: nonce "1234ePAPrIVFRlnXbrTfLzDf-ezlhynFcXoKqWNulz8" validated successfully and is now cached for 1210 seconds [Tue May 26 13:31:12.632083 2015] [auth_openidc:error] [pid 42495] [client] **oidc_proto_validate_idtoken: id_token JSON payload did not contain the required-by-spec "sub" string value** [Tue May 26 13:31:12.632087 2015] [auth_openidc:error] [pid 42495] [client] **oidc_proto_parse_idtoken: id_token payload could not be validated, aborting**

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 26 May 2015 at 4:08 p.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
Can you post the ldif for this client and the scopes? ``# /opt/bin/opendj/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w <pass> -b "o=gluu" 'inum=@12345.5248.B148'`` > /opt/opendj/ldif/b148_client.ldif Also the respective scopes: ``# /opt/bin/opendj/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w <pass> -b "o=gluu" 'objectclass=oxAuthCustomScope'`` > /opt/opendj/ldif/scopes.ldif Also, please paste in the oxAuth logs (i.e. use tail -f when you authenticate to capture the snippet). BTW, one of our engineers is also testing mod_auth_oidc

By Reza Soltani user 26 May 2015 at 4:34 p.m. CDT

Reza Soltani gravatar
Thank you for the response. OpenID client details on Gluu oxAuth: Inum: <inum_value> Display Name_: openid-client1 Application Type_: Web Algorithm_: RS256 Pre-Authorization_:Enabled Authentication method: client_secret_basic Redirect Login URIs: https://localhost/example/redirect_uri Redirect Logout URIs: **Scopes:** email openid phone profile user_name **Response Type:** Authorization Code Grant Type ID Token Implicit Grant Type I will post the remaining details

By Reza Soltani user 27 May 2015 at 2:11 p.m. CDT

Reza Soltani gravatar
**content of b148_client.ldif:** dn: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0008!C61C.6381,ou=clients,o=@!46D6 .5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!764C,ou=scopes,o=@!4 6D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!F0C4,ou=scopes,o=@!4 6D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!D491,ou=scopes,o=@!4 6D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!43F1,ou=scopes,o=@!4 6D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthScope: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!10B2,ou=scopes,o=@!4 6D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthAppType: web oxAuthResponseType: code oxAuthResponseType: id_token oxAuthResponseType: token oxLastAccessTime: 20150526204011.805Z oxAuthClientSecret: 2sTKgvS7Ez115G/C0mzjoAS04ran12wK objectClass: oxAuthClient objectClass: top oxAuthTokenEndpointAuthMethod: client_secret_basic oxAuthRedirectURI: https://localhost/example/redirect_uri oxLastLogonTime: 20150526204011.805Z oxAuthTrustedClient: true displayName: openid-client1 oxAuthIdTokenSignedResponseAlg: RS256 inum: @12345.5248.B148 --- **content of scopes.ldif:** dn: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!F0C4,ou=scopes,o=@!46D6.5248. B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!29DA,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu objectClass: oxAuthCustomScope objectClass: top description: A persistent but non-identifiable correlation key released by your OpenID Provider. defaultScope: true displayName: openid inum: @!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!F0C4 dn: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!10B2,ou=scopes,o=@!46D6.5248. B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!42E0,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu objectClass: oxAuthCustomScope objectClass: top description: Your local username in the Gluu Server defaultScope: false displayName: user_name inum: @!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!10B2 dn: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!764C,ou=scopes,o=@!46D6.5248. B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!8F88,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!CAE3,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu objectClass: oxAuthCustomScope objectClass: top description: Your email address and whether its verified. defaultScope: false displayName: email inum: @!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!764C dn: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!D491,ou=scopes,o=@!46D6.5248. B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!570B,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!B17A,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu objectClass: oxAuthCustomScope objectClass: top description: Your phone number defaultScope: false displayName: phone inum: @!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!D491 dn: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!43F1,ou=scopes,o=@!46D6.5248. B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!2B29,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!0C85,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!B4B0,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!A0E8,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!5EC6,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!B52A,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!64A0,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!EC3A,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!3B47,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!3692,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!98FC,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!A901,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!36D9,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu oxAuthClaim: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0005!BE64,ou=attributes,o =@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu objectClass: oxAuthCustomScope objectClass: top description: This information includes: name, family_name, given_name, middle_na me, nickname, preferred username, picture, website, gender, birthdate, zoneinfo , locale and when the profile was last updated. defaultScope: false displayName: profile inum: @!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!43F1 dn: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!6D98,ou=scopes,o=@!46D6.5248. B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu objectClass: oxAuthCustomScope objectClass: top description: Obtain UMA AAT displayName: uma_authorization defaultScope: true inum: @!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!6D98 dn: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!6D99,ou=scopes,o=@!46D6.5248. B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu objectClass: oxAuthCustomScope objectClass: top description: Obtain UMA PAT displayName: uma_protection defaultScope: true inum: @!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0009!6D99

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 27 May 2015 at 2:16 p.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
I re-assigned this issue to an engineer who is also working on testing mod_auth_oidc.

By William Lowe user 02 Jun 2015 at 12:04 p.m. CDT

William Lowe gravatar
Reza, [This wiki page]( has our documentation for configuring mod_auth_oic with the Gluu Server. Please let us know how it goes for you! Thanks, Will

By Reza Soltani user 02 Jun 2015 at 4:01 p.m. CDT

Reza Soltani gravatar
Thank you William I reviewed the instructions, they are basically what I have done so far.. except my oxAuth server is not installed locally and I am not using Python but rather PHP to view the HTTP headers. Therefore instead of using: OIDCMetadataDir /var/lib/apache2/openid-client-creds I use: OIDCProviderMetadataURL OIDCClientID client_ID OIDCClientSecret client_PASS The Apache module is installed properly and the Apache server starts and stops fine. Upon accessing http://localhost/example the module fetches the configuration(JSON) successfully and then redirects the browser to the oxAuth server for authentication. Once u/p are entered the browser is redirected back to the redirect_link: https://localhost/example/redirect_uri?session_id=123456-9a77-4e27-93a3-5016fb6773a3

By Reza Soltani user 02 Jun 2015 at 4:05 p.m. CDT

Reza Soltani gravatar
... Upon accessing http://localhost/example the module fetches the configuration(JSON) successfully and then redirects the browser to the oxAuth server for authentication. Once u/p are entered the browser is redirected back to the redirect_link: https://localhost/example/redirect_uri?session_id=123456-9a77-4e27-93a3-5016fb6773a3&scope=openid+email+profile&state=123YEN-Bko6gBvrbfsoCqpkg8uw&code=12330610-c6cc-4a55-bb89-45457a3ad987 Once the module receives the code in query above, it makes another calls to the the token endpoint: with the code and other parameters to receive the access token... the server then response with access_token, token_type, expires_in, refresh_token and id_token. The module makes another call to Gluu's JWK endpoint successfully. resolving id_token I can see the following key-values: { "iss": "", "aud": "@12345.5248.B148", "exp": 1433276998, "iat": 1433273398, "nonce": "123qZH1lfmo0G4xH6Z2y9t127u6MrlaB4rft0R123bI", "auth_time": 1433273398, "at_hash": "i123uREhpCp05n1Gh0t123", "oxValidationURI": "", "oxOpenIDConnectVersion": "openidconnect-1.0" } as it shows there is no **sub** key in the response. I think I had a similar issue (i.e. no sub attribute) when I tried to use another OpenID Connect client a while ago. Please note that the same Module works fine with **Google Apps** and the following config: OIDCProviderMetadataURL OIDCClientID OIDCClientSecret my-google-app-secret OIDCRedirectURI https://localhost/example/redirect_uri OIDOIDCSSLValidateServer OffCCryptoPassphrase crypto_pass OIDCScope "openid email" <Location /example/> AuthType openid-connect Require valid-user </Location>

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 03 Jun 2015 at 9:22 a.m. CDT

Michael Schwartz gravatar
Reza, I recently did some testing with this mod_auth_oidc. My notes are here: I decided to use Dynamic Client Registration because I'm lazy... You might try it, and then compare the results in your <op>.client file with the directives you've set. Also, I notice in your Google config you have OIDOIDCSSLValidateServer Off I was actually going to suggest you use the same for the Gluu Server, because I'm guessing you're using a self-signed cert which you probably didn't specify as a trusted CA.

By Reza Soltani user 03 Jun 2015 at 1:02 p.m. CDT

Reza Soltani gravatar
Regarding the SSL and self signed cert, I fixed the self-signed cert validation by downloading the cert and adding it to the Apache's trusted CA directory. I have also added the OIDOIDCSSLValidateServer Off to the config file in case I move the code to a different machine.

By Ganesh Dutt Sharma Account Admin 05 Jun 2015 at 7:21 a.m. CDT

Ganesh Dutt Sharma gravatar
Reza, Are you still facing the problem? Have you moved forward? If yes, please respond to the issue with your present error. We may be of some help now. Thanks

By Ganesh Dutt Sharma Account Admin 05 Jun 2015 at 2:20 p.m. CDT

Ganesh Dutt Sharma gravatar
You may like to have a look at: We'll try to resolve other issues if encountered and if within our reach.

By Ganesh Dutt Sharma Account Admin 05 Jun 2015 at 2:24 p.m. CDT

Ganesh Dutt Sharma gravatar
To your client please add oxAuthSubjectIdentifier: @!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0008!C61C.6381 in your ldap as follows: Create a file with the following content and name it: mod.ldif > dn: inum=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0008!C61C.6381,ou=clients,o=@!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4,o=gluu > changetype: modify > add: oxAuthSubjectIdentifier > oxAuthSubjectIdentifier: @!46D6.5248.B148.6D99!0001!6CD6.AEF4!0008!C61C.6381 And run: > /opt/bin/opendj/ldapmodify -h localhost -p 1389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w <pass> -f mod.ldif > Then try to authenticate.

By Reza Soltani user 05 Jun 2015 at 3:51 p.m. CDT

Reza Soltani gravatar
Ganesh, The fix you suggested worked! thank oxAuth uses oxAuthSubjectIdentifier, as opposed to inum, for the 'sub' value.

By Ganesh Dutt Sharma Account Admin 05 Jun 2015 at 4:16 p.m. CDT

Ganesh Dutt Sharma gravatar
Yes, the value is same but parameter name pulled is different.