By: Carl Buxbaum user 06 Jan 2016 at 3:39 p.m. CST

1 Response
Carl Buxbaum gravatar
I see where to customize the login screen, however I am not sure how I am supposed to have the interceptor script interact with the login screen. I was playing around with setting a max number of logins after which I "lock" the user. I implemented this functionality with no difficulty, but want to replace "Enter a correct username and password" with something like "User is locked", but only after the max tries. I don't see how to modify the backing property dynamically (login.errorMessage) or supplant it, as the property is hard coded into the Authenticator class. I do see that I could set a step on that particular failure and forward to a different page for that step, but thought that I could leave the user on the same page with the new message. We might also want to change the login page dynamically to include a captcha, and some other information depending upon the type and/or frequency of failure. Thanks for any tips you might have

By Michael Schwartz Account Admin 06 Jan 2016 at 4:21 p.m. CST

Michael Schwartz gravatar
Carl, A few suggestions... 1) you may be able to set session variable and use JSF to display the right message or customize the form, 2) ditto javascript In the getPageForStep method, you could perhaps redirect to different pages based on a session variable. You're right that the documentation is weak on how to use session variables in Seam to pass information back to the pages. Take a look at [Seam Contexts]( I'd recommend buying Seam in Action [used for $4](