I am using CentOS 6.7 x64. The VM has 6GB RAM. I just upgraded from 2.4.0 to 2.4.2. In 2.4.0's setup.properties.last, tomcat is set to 4GB: `tomcat_max_ram=4096`. After I upgraded to 2.4.2, there is no value for `tomcat_max_ram` in `setup.properties.last`, but it was definitely doing this before I upgraded today. The `setup.py` script for 2.4.2 didn't ask me how much RAM to give tomcat, and apparently the [import.py](https://github.com/GluuFederation/community-edition-setup/blob/master/static/scripts/import24.py) script didn't copy that over? Either way, in my current running instance, `/opt/tomcat/conf/gluuTomcatWrapper.conf` has `wrapper.java.maxmemory` set to `4096`:
wrapper.filter.message.1000=The JVM has run out of memory.
I believe these are the settings that setup.py manipulates anyway. Does this information help? Is there a specific log entry I could be looking for that would tell me why the idP is dying or a log entry that is made when the JVM or tomcat runs out of memory for whatever reason?