Hi, Steve, hi, William.
Though this ticket is closed, the discussion seems to continue, so I thought I could contribute a bit to original issue.
Steve, Gluu tries to stick to OpenID Connect specs as close as possible (that's one of its selling points), so if you think you don't clearly understand how some flows function, and you can't find an answer at our doc portals, your option is to check [official OIDC documentation portal](http://openid.net/connect/) As you are attempting to send `id_token` for logout, I assume you are trying to employ one of the session management flows (if you need just to logout user from Gluu with least possible effort, you can simply send him to https://<your.gluu.hostname>/idp/logout.jsp url, for example). Are you sure you are following all steps it expects?
As William already mentioned, we try to fill the gaps, but until there are some publicly available papers somewhere, it can't be perceived as a gap, though. If you'll happen to find some bug which prevents a correct flow from completion, we'll be ready to jump in and provide you any assistance we can.