By: anish narang user 25 Oct 2016 at 1:26 a.m. CDT

1 Response
anish narang gravatar
I am looking to setup Gluu IdP for SSO and AWS load balancer to verify and offload SSL. Gluu SSL verification has been disabled through the httpd configuration file. But there are still redirections to https Gluu URLs. Is it possible to disable https in Gluu so that SSL offloading only happens at load balancer level and the http request is forwarded to gluu?

By Mohib Zico staff 25 Oct 2016 at 3:29 a.m. CDT

Mohib Zico gravatar
>> Is it possible to disable https in Gluu so that SSL offloading only happens at load balancer level and the http request is forwarded to gluu? Nope. Everything is configured with 443 there inside Gluu Server.