By: pradeek karuppan user 03 Mar 2017 at 8:36 a.m. CST

4 Responses
pradeek karuppan gravatar
**Hi I have a problem in accessing local Gluu server service using ruby library. ** **I have successfully installed the Gluu server and configured conf/oxd-conf.json and conf/oxd-default-site-config.json.** **I am using rails as my backend and also I configured oxd_config.rb. When I ran ``` @oxd_command = ``` in rails console its showing the object with configuration details. ** ``` #<Oxd::ClientOxdCommands:0x0000000440fa98 @data={}, @params={}, @response_data={}, @configuration=#<Oxd::Configuration:0x000000017578c0 @_config={:oxd_host_ip=>"", :oxd_host_port=>8099, :application_type=>"web", :authorization_redirect_uri=>"", :redirect_uris=>[""], :post_logout_redirect_uri=>"", :client_logout_uris=>[""], :logout_redirect_uri=>"", :grant_types=>[], :acr_values=>["basic"], :client_jwks_uri=>"", :client_token_endpoint_auth_method=>"", :client_request_uris=>[], :scope=>["openid", "profile"], :contacts=>[""], :response_types=>["code"], :oxd_id=>""}>> ``` But when I run ``` @oxd_command.register_site ``` I am getting ruby error ``` NoMethodError: undefined method `register_site' for nil:NilClass ``` because ``` @oxd_command ``` getting nil data. Please help on this.

By William Lowe user 03 Mar 2017 at 8:45 a.m. CST

William Lowe gravatar
Pradeek, It doesn't look like you've installed oxd properly. I'm looking at our license backend and I see you have signed up for a license, but it has not been used during installation. Might that be the problem? Thanks, Will

By William Lowe user 07 Mar 2017 at 11:45 a.m. CST

William Lowe gravatar
any update Pradeek? Still facing issues or should we close this out?

By pradeek karuppan user 07 Mar 2017 at 2:48 p.m. CST

pradeek karuppan gravatar
Hi William, Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the support.Yes the problem was from my side.I didn't use the correct licence key.

By William Lowe user 07 Mar 2017 at 2:51 p.m. CST

William Lowe gravatar
Thanks, Pradeek. Hope everything else is going smoothly.