Hi, Matt.
Please consider providing a bit more details, as it's hard to say what you experience at the moment.
For example, what this means
>I intercepted the OAuth calls in the debugger and noticed that the token it is getting is UUID value NOT a Base64 encoded json object
Some actual example (a dump of this token, or the response(s) itself) would be useful.
Otherwise, it's hard to understand the rest:
>how do I get my JWT token in the response so I don't have to make secondary rest call to gluu to get the translate the token into a user?
Doesn't ring a bell to me. Can you refer to a specific spec document you try to implement? Here is what you can expect to be supported in Gluu: [link](http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html)
>2) how do I key the key pair that gluu is using to encrypt/sign the JWT
Keys required to verify signature on JWTs oxAuth issues during OIDC flows are located at url like this: `https://host.name/oxauth/restv1/jwks`. Signing algs with "HS" prefix are symmetric ones and use client's secret to derive the key. Gluu doesn't encrypt JWTs unless you specifically configure it to do this. It's possible to use symmetric algorithm for encryption as well, for the rest you need to provide key data (JWKS) via client's registration properties at Gluu.
Please also understand that we can't engage in complex tasks like development of custom clients or using non-standard flows for our community users. That's why we recommend to use a selection of supported tools for RPs. In your case [oxd server](https://gluu.org/docs/oxd/) is what seems to be the best solution.