Yes as i wrote i did this change. And its clear to me because the openldap.crt file does not exist, but the opendj.crt.
So i changed it like suggested.
Here is my file
# LDAP authentication configuration, see authn/ldap-authn-config.xml
# Note, this doesn't apply to the use of JAAS
## Authenticator strategy, either anonSearchAuthenticator, bindSearchAuthenticator, directAuthenticator, adAuthenticator
idp.authn.LDAP.authenticator = bindSearchAuthenticator
## Connection properties ##
idp.authn.LDAP.ldapURL = ldaps://localhost:1636
idp.authn.LDAP.useStartTLS = false
idp.authn.LDAP.useSSL = true
#idp.authn.LDAP.connectTimeout = 3000
## SSL configuration, either jvmTrust, certificateTrust, or keyStoreTrust
idp.authn.LDAP.sslConfig = certificateTrust
## If using certificateTrust above, set to the trusted certificate's path
## idp.authn.LDAP.trustCertificates = /etc/certs/openldap.crt
idp.authn.LDAP.trustCertificates = /etc/certs/opendj.crt
## If using keyStoreTrust above, set to the truststore path
idp.authn.LDAP.trustStore = /etc/certs/shibIDP.jks
## Return attributes during authentication
## NOTE: there is a separate property used for attribute resolution
idp.authn.LDAP.returnAttributes = passwordExpirationTime,loginGraceRemaining
## DN resolution properties ##
# Search DN resolution, used by anonSearchAuthenticator, bindSearchAuthenticator
# for AD: CN=Users,DC=example,DC=org
idp.authn.LDAP.baseDN = o=gluu
idp.authn.LDAP.subtreeSearch = true
idp.authn.LDAP.userFilter = (uid={user})
# bind search configuration
# for AD:
idp.authn.LDAP.bindDN = cn=directory manager
idp.authn.LDAP.bindDNCredential = mySecretmySecretmySecret
# Format DN resolution, used by directAuthenticator, adAuthenticator
# for AD use
idp.authn.LDAP.dnFormat = uid=%s,ou=people,o=@!C3F9.D952.017C.5621!0001!B17C.8D0E,o=gluu
# LDAP attribute configuration, see attribute-resolver.xml
# Note, this likely won't apply to the use of legacy V2 resolver configurations
idp.attribute.resolver.LDAP.ldapURL = %{idp.authn.LDAP.ldapURL}
idp.attribute.resolver.LDAP.baseDN = %{idp.authn.LDAP.baseDN:undefined}
idp.attribute.resolver.LDAP.bindDN = %{idp.authn.LDAP.bindDN:undefined}
idp.attribute.resolver.LDAP.bindDNCredential = %{idp.authn.LDAP.bindDNCredential:undefined}
idp.attribute.resolver.LDAP.useStartTLS = %{idp.authn.LDAP.useStartTLS:true}
idp.attribute.resolver.LDAP.trustCertificates = %{idp.authn.LDAP.trustCertificates:undefined}
idp.attribute.resolver.LDAP.searchFilter = (|(uid=$requestContext.principalName)(mail=$requestContext.principalName))
idp.attribute.resolver.LDAP.returnAttributes = inum,uid
# LDAP pool configuration, used for both authn and DN resolution
idp.pool.LDAP.minSize = 3
idp.pool.LDAP.maxSize = 10
idp.pool.LDAP.validateOnCheckout = false
idp.pool.LDAP.validatePeriodically = true
idp.pool.LDAP.validatePeriod = 300
idp.pool.LDAP.prunePeriod = 300
idp.pool.LDAP.idleTime = 600
idp.pool.LDAP.blockWaitTime = 3000
idp.pool.LDAP.failFastInitialize = false