I was saying that integration with SAML providers is achieved by reusing this project:
So basically we are subject to its capabilities. The `additionalAuthorizeParams` is listed in their "Additional SAML behaviors" section of the README but it has to do with appending query params, not altering XML payload.
In passport we are setting `additionalAuthorizeParams` of SAML strategy [here]( https://github.com/GluuFederation/gluu-passport/blob/version_3.1.3/server/auth/saml.js#L39). `objectJSON` refers to the contents of file `/etc/gluu/conf/passport-saml-config.json` that you can find in Gluu server chroot.
I was commenting that no one in the past has used this feature, and from what I saw in the code the way this value is being parsed might not be correct.
I suggested doing this:
- Alter `passport-saml-config.json` so that it looks this way: `"additionalAuthorizeParams": "{ \"providerId\" : \"test\" }",`
- Alter `saml.js` so that it reads dictionary data from json string this way: `JSON.parse(objectJSON['additionalAuthorizeParams'])`. This file can be found at `/opt/gluu/node/passport/server/auth/saml.js`
- Restarting passport
Of course, it only makes sense if your IDP can interpret the additional params this way