My code (see first note in this thread) does not specify any "authentication scheme". SustainSys does not provide any documentation on such a thing. I *can* set a `SignInScheme` property, but it's just a string value; I have no idea what value it would or should be. I looked through the various Gluu server configuration pages and couldn't find anything resembling an authentication scheme.
Same thing for `ResponseType`. Is that something on Gluu server, or in my SP metadata, or in my code?
One thing to note; I don't get passed to any kind of login form on the Gluu server; should that be happening? The series of HTTP requests upon clicking my SP's SAML login button is as follows:
1. GET to gluu server /idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO?SAMLRequest=xxxxxx, which 302s me to
2. GET /idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO?execution=e1s1, which 302s me to
3. GET /idp/Authn/oxAuth?conversation=e1s1, which 302s me to
4. GET /oxauth/restv1/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=xxxx&scope=openid+email+user_name&..., which 302s me to
5. GET /idp/Authn/oxAuth?code={guid}&scope=openid+user_name+email&...., which 302s me to
6. GET /idp/Authn/oxAuth?code={guid)..., which 302s me to
7. GET /idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO?execution=e1s1&_eventId_proceed=1, which gives me a 200 response
Somehow I end up back at ACS. I see that response_code is set to "code" in step 4 above, but I have no idea how, why or where that's set. Do you?