Well, it works, but I've also changed something else, so I'll share for other people.
This is my correct configuration.
Kong-OIDC plugin - values to change
client id --> client id from gluu client
discovery --> https://YOUR_GLUU_ADDRESS/.well-known/openid-configuration
secret --> secret from gluu client
- **Name:** kong
- **Description:** kong integration
- **Client ID:** CLIENT_ID
- **Subject Type:** pairwise
- **Expirattion date:** Mon Jul 17 00:00:00 UTC 2119
- **ClientSecret:** XXXXXXXXXXX
- **Client Uri:** YOUR_KONG_URI
- **Application Type:** web
- **Persist Client Authorizations:** true
- **Pre-Authorization:** true
- **Authentication method for the Token Endpoint:** client_secret_post
- **Logout Session Required:** false
- **Include Claims In Id Token:** false
- **Disabled:** false
- **Login Redirect URIs:** all KONG endpoints
- **Scopes:** [openid, profile, email]
- **Grant types:** [authorization_code]
- **Response types:** [code]
Final question: Login Redirect URIs could cointains something like "" in order to enable all the URIs where the prefix is let's say KONG_URI? In this way gluu will work without adding new login redirect URIs