By: Chad Geary user 03 Feb 2020 at 12:47 a.m. CST

2 Responses
Chad Geary gravatar
Following guide: I added the RoleEntitlement and RoleSessionName attributes semi-successfully, but the gluuCustomPerson tab does not appear in the 'Add Trust Relationships' form. Only gluuPerson appears. For reference, RoleEntitlement and RoleSessionName appear in Attributes as: ``` RoleEntitlement RoleEntitlement gluuCustomPerson Custom attribute for Amazon AWS SSO ACTIVE RoleSessionName RoleSessionName gluuCustomPerson Custom attribute for Amazon AWS SSO ACTIVE ``` and 77-customAttributes.ldif ``` [root@sso ~]# cat /opt/opendj/config/schema/77-customAttributes.ldif dn: cn=schema objectClass: top objectClass: ldapSubentry objectClass: subschema cn: schema attributeTypes: ( NAME 'RoleEntitlement' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'Gluu - AWS Assume Role' ) attributeTypes: ( NAME 'RoleSessionName' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'Gluu - AWS Assume Role Session Name' ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'gluuCustomPerson' SUP ( top ) AUXILIARY MAY ( telephoneNumber $ mobile $ carLicense $ facsimileTelephoneNumber $ departmentNumber $ employeeType $ cn $ st $ manager $ street $ postOfficeBox $ employeeNumber $ preferredDeliveryMethod $ roomNumber $ secretary $ homePostalAddress $ l $ postalCode $ description $ title $ RoleEntitlement $ RoleSessionName) X-ORIGIN 'Gluu - Custom persom objectclass' ) ``` Also worth noting, the guide uses attributetype instead of attributeTypes

By Aliaksandr Samuseu staff 03 Feb 2020 at 5:06 a.m. CST

Aliaksandr Samuseu gravatar
Hi, Chad. That's a known issue which is fixed in 4.1. For now, you can use this patched WAR I'm attaching to this post. You'll need to stop "identity" service in your container and drop the attached file at `/opt/gluu/jetty/identity/webapps/identity.war` location, overwrittig the old file (please back the later up first, in case you'll need to revert the change). Then start the service again, and this shoudl be it.

By Chad Geary user 03 Feb 2020 at 8:36 p.m. CST

Chad Geary gravatar
Thank you Aliaksandr.