By: Michele Auletta user 27 Aug 2020 at 1:29 a.m. CDT

2 Responses
Michele Auletta gravatar
After configuring gluu server as idp for saml sso, trying to login I get this error message: login.errorSessionInvalidMessage (Sorry, it looks like there is a problem finding your session. This can happen if you waited too long on the login page, or if you were redirected to a different server that issued the original request. This error usually goes away if you try accessing your desired application again.) I used a sample saml php application as sp, that works with another idp. Here the tail of oxtrust.log in DEBUG mode:

By Mohit Mali staff 27 Aug 2020 at 2:36 a.m. CDT

Mohit Mali gravatar
Hi Michele , thanks you for reaching out gluu support , can you please test the following saml flow with sptest. 1) Go to 2) Navigate to instruction --> Idp inititated SSO. 3) download the meta data xml 4) Login to gluu server 5) Add trust relationship with downloaded metadata 6) configured nameid (if requried) 7) back to 8) place the content of https://yourgluuserver/idp/shibboleth. 9) on completion you will get the link to test SSO 10) Test the SSO flow. Thanks and Regards Mohit Mali

By Mohib Zico Account Admin 27 Aug 2020 at 4:20 a.m. CDT

Mohib Zico gravatar
Agreed with Mohit. Also please try with CE ( Community Edition, not docker ) first, that's easier to find out if SAML SSO working or not. CN ( Cloud native ) / Docker / K8s has bunch of network related sides which might require some tweaking. Please test with CE first, have an idea how SAML SSO works with Gluu Server, do same for CN ( Cloud Native ), compare your config with CE. You will know what's wrong where.