By: Philipp Zykov user 22 Dec 2021 at 7:42 a.m. CST

1 Response
Philipp Zykov gravatar
Hello! Tried to find update path from 4.1.1 to 4.3 but failed. Where i can find guide to do this update? What is a best method - script or offline update via copying data?

By Mobarak Hosen Shakil staff 22 Dec 2021 at 7:35 p.m. CST

Mobarak Hosen Shakil gravatar
Hi Philipp Zykov, For upgrading to 4.3.0, the documentation is not yet published. But you can read [this]( one, kind a similar process. If you would like to upgrade using online script, then please use this one: []( #### ***What is a best method - script or offline update via copying data?*** > It actually depends on the server. `Online upgrade using script` is the easiest way to upgrade the gluu server. We prefer to create a backup before going through the upgrade process whatever it's online/offline. Thanks, Regards ~ Shakil