By: Alejandro Calderon user 22 Jan 2021 at 9:42 a.m. CST

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Hi there, when I'm trying to import LDAP data with a .ldif file I exported previously following the steps in this doc, and when I try to import it in a new Gluu instance with the command `/opt/opendj/bin/import-ldif -n userRoot --offline -l yourdata_withoutoxAuthGrantId.ldif`, the o=gluu is deleted from the LDAP and I get the following error: ``` #/opt/opendj/bin/import-ldif -n userRoot --offline -l /home/tergar/backup.ldif [22/Jan/2021:00:19:57 +0000] category=JVM severity=NOTICE msgID=21 msg=Installation Directory: /opt/opendj [22/Jan/2021:00:19:57 +0000] category=JVM severity=NOTICE msgID=23 msg=Instance Directory: /opt/opendj [22/Jan/2021:00:19:57 +0000] category=JVM severity=NOTICE msgID=17 msg=JVM Information: 11.0.8+10-LTS by Inc., 64-bit architecture, 1031798784 bytes heap size [22/Jan/2021:00:19:57 +0000] category=JVM severity=NOTICE msgID=18 msg=JVM Host:, running Linux 5.4.0-1035-aws amd64, 4124876800 bytes physical memory size, number of processors available 2 [22/Jan/2021:00:19:57 +0000] category=JVM severity=NOTICE msgID=19 msg=JVM Arguments: "-Dorg.opends.server.scriptName=import-ldif" [22/Jan/2021:00:19:57 +0000] category=BACKEND severity=INFORMATION msgID=410 msg=JE backend 'userRoot' does not specify the number of cleaner threads: defaulting to 8 threads [22/Jan/2021:00:19:57 +0000] category=BACKEND severity=INFORMATION msgID=411 msg=JE backend 'userRoot' does not specify the number of lock tables: defaulting to 5 [22/Jan/2021:00:19:59 +0000] category=BACKEND severity=NOTICE msgID=518 msg=Flushing data to disk [22/Jan/2021:00:19:59 +0000] category=TOOLS severity=ERROR msgID=96 msg=An error occurred while attempting to process the LDIF import: The database environment could not be opened: org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigException: An error occurred while trying to decode the managed object configuration entry ds-cfg-attribute=sid,cn=Index,ds-cfg-backend-id=userRoot,cn=Backends,cn=config: The Backend Index could not be decoded due to the following reason: The value "sid" is not a valid value for the "attribute" property, which must have the following syntax: OID ``` This is the .ldif file I'm trying to import: